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EuroMillions Lottery numbers are randomly drawn. But randomly drawn numbers form patterns that can be tracked and used to our advantage.
Having carefully analyzed all the drawings in past lotto results of more than 180 different Lotto games worldwide, with histories going back as far as 1955, someone has verified the following incredibly simple rule:
The key to our statistics is successful lotto number selection methods is playing the probabilities. If you play a pattern that occurs only five percent of the time, you can expect that pattern to lose 95 percent of the time, giving you no chance to win 95 percent of the time. So, don't buck the probabilities.
When you select your EuroMillions Loto numbers, try to have a relatively even mix of odd and even numbers. All odd numbers or all even numbers are rarely drawn, occurring only one percent of the time. The best mix is to have 2/4, 4/2 or 3/3, which means two odd and four even, or four odd and two even, or three odd and three even. One of these three patterns will occur in 82 percent of the drawings.
Winning numbers are usually spread across the entire number field. If we take a number field and cut it in half, we have the low half and the high half. In a 42-number game like Lebanese Loto, numbers 1 to 21 would be in the low half, and numbers 22 to 42 would be in the high half. All high numbers or all low numbers are rarely drawn, occurring only 1 percent of the time. The best mix is to have 2/4, 4/2 or 3/3, which means two high and four low, or four high and two low, or three high and three low. Winning number groups with these three patterns occur in 82 percent of all drawings.
List the number of games skipped (games out) since the last hit (win) for each of the winning numbers during the last five games. Then mark the number of times each skip occurred. If any skip from 0 to 5 did not occur, play the Lotto numbers that are out that many games. (Help working with lotto games skipped.)
After you choose six lotto numbers you want to play, add them together and make sure that the sum of the six numbers adds up to somewhere between 100 and 158. Sums that fall within that range will account for over seventy percent of all lottery jackpots won.
Look at a list of past winning numbers for EuroMillions Loto or any game you play, and you'll see, more often than not, that one or more of the number groups is not represented. For example, in the combination 5-14-17-32-38-42, there are no 20's. Tracking and studying Number Groups can help you decide which group to omit and which group to give extra heavy play.
In EuroMillions Loto 6/42, on average, one lottery number will be a repeat hit from the last drawing 63 percent of the time.
Numbers that have been out (losers) for five lotto drawings or less account for about half of the winning numbers drawn. Losing numbers that have been out ten games or less account for 82 percent of all the winning numbers. This tells us that hot numbers are more likely to hit, but don't forget to include at least one long shot in your group of 6.
It is difficult to know when a cold number will end a long losing streak. If you play a number every drawing because you think it is due, you could be chasing it for many months. (Number 45 in New York Lotto sat out 100 drawings before it finally hit.) Although, when a number has been out for 70 games or so, it might be worth chasing. Lottery Pools and Lottery Syndicates
Several of the 107 Lotto jackpots won with our statistics' lottery systems were won by groups of people who pooled their money. Sharing the ticket cost with others stretches your lotto budget. By playing with a group, you can afford to buy more lottery tickets and play larger wheeling systems than you could (or should) by yourself. Draw up an agreement and have the members of your pool sign it. How to Get Lucky in Lotto
No one should play games of chance out of desperation because they need the winnings. The needy have a greater fear of losing the hard-earned money they gamble with. It is just one of life's dirty tricks that the very fear of losing blocks the winning forces. Thoughts are charged with energy, especially when triggered by emotion. Fear attracts exactly that which one fears. A strong desire for a goal that is charged with positive energy, attracts a positive response, especially when every effort is made to attain that goal.
Many players like to bet the numbers that have won someone else a big jackpot, and by doing so, they are almost guaranteed NOT to win one themselves. In EuroMillions Loto 642, with two drawings a week, a set of 6 numbers has a chance of being drawn once every 50,440 years!!! This should also answer the question Gail Howard is so often asked, "Shouldn't I keep playing the same set of numbers every week because they are due to hit sometime?"
The most popular set of numbers most often played is: 1-2-3-4-5-6. Thousands of tickets are bought with this combination every drawing. The selection is too far out of balance to come up in a random drawing.
Six consecutive numbers have never been drawn in any state or international Lotto game. I have all the drawing results for more than 180 state and international Lotto games, going back more than fifty years! Even five consecutive numbers is a very rare occurrence that, in most Lotto games, has never happened once.
Never choose all six numbers from one number group, such as all single digits, or all teens, or all 20's, etc. All six winning lotto numbers drawn from one group is highly unlikely.
Pattern betting is an even more popular method of marking bet slips. Patterns of numbers marked in a row to make a straight line, either across the bet slip vertically or diagonally get heavy play which means sharing the prize with others if the numbers are drawn as winners. Other designs such as patterns of initials or numbers or crosses also get heavy play.
Other popular combinations that get heavy play are the number multiples, especially 5-10-15-20-25-30 and 7-14-21-28-35-42.
Many people like to play same last digits, such as 3-13-23-33-43, or all digits that end in seven, or some other favorite lucky lottery number. Even four same last digits occur in less than two-tenths of one percent of all drawings. Winning sets of numbers with three last digits the same occur in less than 2 percent of all drawings. Winning sets of numbers with no more than one repeated last digit represent nearly 80 percent of all drawings.
The majority of Lotto players like to play the calendar numbers, such as birth dates and anniversaries and their children's ages. This means that the most heavily played numbers are 1 through 31. Lebanese Loto 6/42 has 42 numbers. If you play only the calendar numbers, you might be sharing your jackpot with dozens of other winners. It's not to say that you shouldn't play your personal numbers if you feel these lucky numbers are good to play. But Gail Howard recommends that you include a couple of high numbers so that just in case your numbers do hit, you win a prize that's worth something.
   THIS WEBSITE IS NOT AN OFFICIAL WEBSITE AND IS NOT ASSOCIATED WITH 'Française des Jeux' OR 'Camelot UK Lotteries Limited' Or Others |
 EuroMillions loto, From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia EuroMillions (également typographié Euromillions ou EuroMillions) est une loterie transnationale, proposée dans neuf pays européens, ce qui en fait la plus grande loterie européenne, les quatre monnaies de jeu étant l'euro, la livre sterling, le franc suisse et le franc pacifique. La loterie est coorganisée par dix sociétés de jeux ou leurs filiales locales. De par son envergure, les gains sont démultipliés, par rapport aux loteries nationales, mais aussi les chances de ne pas gagner. Dans sa version la plus récente, un joueur a 93 chances sur 100 de ne pas rembourser son ticket.
Pays participants a l’initiative de la Française des jeux (opérateur pour la France métropolitaine et Monaco, ainsi que les départements et certaines collectivités d’outre-mer, parfois via des filiales locales tenant compte de légères modifications pour la répartition des lots et la fiscalité locale spécifique), les loteries britannique, espagnole et française se sont regroupées en 2004 pour créer Euro Millions. Le premier tirage a eu lieu le vendredi 13 février 2004. L’Autriche, la Belgique, l’Irlande, le Luxembourg, le Portugal et la Suisse ont rejoint cette loterie le 8 octobre 2004 — le total des populations des onze pays participant étant désormais de l'ordre de 214 millions d'individus.
Bien que les pays participants n’utilisent pas tous l’euro comme devise de vente et de remise des gains, les cagnottes communes sont constituées en euros exclusivement (sur la base de 50 % des mises totales), et les prix convertis dans la devise officielle des pays participants au cours de change établi le soir du tirage, et payable dès le lendemain du tirage (le risque éventuellement lié au change jusqu’a la remise des prix est pris en charge par l’ensemble des sociétés de jeux participantes, qui s’assurent de disposer des provisions de devises nécessaires au paiement des gagnants). Chaque société organisatrice calcule donc le soir du tirage le montant correspondant des prix a partir de la cagnotte globale constituée le soir du tirage par l’ensemble des pays participants.
Le prix d’une grille a été fixé depuis le début du jeu a 2 €. Sur ces 2 €, seul 1 € est redistribué1. Le Royaume-Uni et la Suisse n'utilisent pas l'euro. Les prix fixes des grilles dans ces deux pays est de 2 £ pour les britanniques et 3 CHF en Suisse. Ils peuvent théoriquement être révisés pour tenir compte de la fluctuation des taux de change.
En France, depuis le 4 février 2014, la participation obligatoire au jeu de tirage complémentaire My Million a porté le montant minimal pour participer a l'Euro Millions a 2,50 € par grille. L’ajout de ce tirage est une excellente opportunité pour la FDJ d’organiser des événements en plus de Super Jackpot. Plusieurs fois par an, les joueurs de la version française du jeu EuroMillions profitent d’une « Semaine exceptionnelle My Million ». Le principe est : au lieu de récompenser un joueur de la somme de 1 million d’euros grâce au code alphanumérique My Million imprimé sur le ticket EuroMillions, il y aura 5 ou 10 gagnants par tirage. La nouvelle formule du jeu EuroMillions My Million est une réussite pour la Française des Jeux et remporte un fort succès auprès du public. Elle a permis de soutenir la croissance du tirage qui a enregistré une hausse de 13 % de ses ventes en 20142.
Les taxes éventuellement perçues dans chaque pays sont indépendantes du montant de la cagnotte commune, et peuvent être prélevées soit sur les 50 % des enjeux perçus et restant a la disposition de chaque société organisatrice, soit dans le pays concerné par prélèvement direct au moment de la remise des prix au joueur, dans les conditions fiscales propres a chaque pays (et des seuils d’imposition de certains gains).
Les sociétés organisatrices n’entrent pas en concurrence sur leurs territoires respectifs.
Principe EuroMillions loto Le jeu consiste a choisir 5 numéros entre 1 et 50 ainsi que 2 étoiles numérotées de 1 a 11, avec deux tirages par semaine. Jusqu'au 10 mai 2011, il fallait choisir 5 numéros entre 1 et 50 et 2 étoiles numérotées seulement de 1 a 9, avec un tirage hebdomadaire. Ainsi, la probabilité de gagner a été réduite de 1 sur 76 millions environ a 1 sur 116 millions environ4. Le joueur a la possibilité d'utiliser le système Quickpick (ou Flash en France) au moment de l'achat d'un ticket de participation chez le détaillant ou sur le site de l'opérateur national de jeu ; les numéros et étoiles sont alors choisis au hasard par l'ordinateur enregistrant le pari.
Participation Le taux de participation dépend de plusieurs facteurs. L'un des facteurs est le montant de la cagnotte annoncée15. Il est possible de jouer a l'Euro Millions dans un syndicat de joueurs, c'est-a-dire un regroupement de joueurs.
En France, en 2005, près de deux millions de personnes ont joué en moyenne chaque semaine a l'Euro Millions pour une mise minimum de deux euros. Ce nombre a considérablement augmenté depuis16. Début 2006, ce jeu représentait près de 10 % du chiffre d'affaires de la Française des jeux[réf. nécessaire].
Avec l'arrivée des smartphones depuis 2007, l'outil mobile s'est de plus en plus démocratisé. Les joueurs de l'Euro Millions n'ont pas manqué l'occasion d'utiliser l'internet mobile pour consulter le résultat des tirages. Une étude17 montre par ailleurs qu'ils sont en 2013 36,5 % a utiliser un appareil nomade pour consulter le résultat du tirage. Les joueurs de l'Euro Millions ne sont donc pas toujours sans le sou et la participation accrue a l'arrivée des grosses cagnottes valide d'autant plus cette constatation.
History of EuroMillions EuroMillions began in 1994. Originally, the idea had been to launch this new Euro Lottery at around the same time as a single European currency, but as often happens, bureaucracy, politics and other miscellaneous factors meant that the plan was delayed a number of times before coming to fruition some ten years later.
The first EuroMillions lottery draw took place on Friday 13th February 2004. It was originally presented by three major lottery organisers: Camelot in the United Kingdom who operate the UK National Lottery, Française des Jeux in France and the Loterias y Apuestas des Estad in Spain. The first jackpot was worth €15 million. The following page provides a breakdown of EuroMillions Winners by country.
EUROMILLIONS LOTTO STATISTICS Relying on luck to win the lottery is not enough! provides a wealth of statistical information, gathered by a team of highly skilled experts, for people who have an interest in lottery statistics and probability. This unique website provides in-depth numerical data for European Lotto.
To provide the most up-to-date and accurate lotto statistics, the numerical information on is updated within minutes of the different lottery draws taking place and is thoroughly checked. To view information for a lottery, simply choose the option you like from upper links including the most common numbers, consecutive number patterns, distribution of odds versus evens and bell curve statistics.
These pages shows you which have been picked the most and least times on a Monday and Thursday evenings. You can see which are the most common and least common winning numbers to drop out of the machine.
What Is Statistics: This is the only lottery statistics website dedicated for the European lottery. This is the most advanced website for lottery statistics, the depth and flexibility of the analysis is unparalleled. This lotto statistics website allows you to analyze historical draws, look for patterns, improve your understanding of the lottery, and increase your chances of hitting the jackpot. |